Youtube - Wielcy , mniejsi i całkiem mali :)
Ten jazzujący interwał to zapewne septyma zajebiście zwiększona Big Grin

Chcę jednak podlinkować pewną rzecz. Nie kryję, że żuchwa mi nieco opadła...
Muzykalność tego gościa jest niesamowita.
Co za ufolud Undecided

EDYTA: - lepsiejsze audio.
BTW - co to za instrument?

W ramach równouprawnienia żądam wprowadzenia do handlu serków heterogenizowanych...
(12-03-2013, 07:50 PM)JAZZ-BASS napisał(a): Ten jazzujący interwał to zapewne septyma zajebiście zwiększona Big Grin


A ten koleś, kozak. Piękny instrument.

...the blues are the roots and the other musics are the fruits. Willie Dixon

Całkiem całkiem.
[Obrazek: 17m.gif]
Dla mnie Pino w NIN to sredni pomysl.

To jest porzadny koncert NIN mrgreen (zaczyna sie od 1:34)


Grałem na takim:

Ale to jest jazda zajebista! Big Grin
Nie chodzi o bas, a o operatora. Beggs miażdży.
(12-06-2013, 10:36 AM)herp napisał(a): Nie chodzi o bas, a o operatora. Beggs miażdży.

A to swoja drogą Emotka_2755 Ale taka dwunastka daje dużo frajdy. Co nie zagrasz, jest fajnie, melodyjnie Smile
Po to mam POGa Big Grin
co prawda nie basowo, ale gość wgniata mnie w krzesło. chciałbym mieć takiego mudżina w zespole.
W Paryżu najlepsze kasztany są na placu Pigalle

Jest afera mrgreen

Garrison dojebał się do Gwizdaly Big Grin

Matt Garrison napisał(a):Janek, why did you take my signature series instrument and throw your name on it and not even bother to mention me (particularly in this video)? I don't understand the idea or reason. I've been working with Fodera since 1995, we created that signature series instrument together. An explanation would be very kind on your part. Thanks, Matt

Matt Garrison napisał(a):Well folks, based on the feedback regarding the youtube post I want to write a few things.

1st I want to apologize to Janek Gwizdala. I vented a little bit and whether it’s fair or not it wasn’t right of me to be accusatory. There are many factors that lead to that bass of yours being named the way it is. I know you, Janek respect me and my work so I have no further observations on the matter.

2nd I want to apologies to Fodera, my old friends and comrades in action. Again, whether the decision to name that instrument the way they did, was a good choice or not, that’s not up to me to argue about at this point. As I explained we sat down and discussed the matter a while back and we came to an understanding. The incidents of people coming up to me asking about my Gwizdala bass sparked my aggression, but I didn’t deal with the situation with the right energy.

3rd I’m incredibly moved by how many of you have shown support in regards to this situation and generally for just chiming in. To hear your perspectives brings to light how these situations actually do have some sort of emotional meaning to us all and I want to thank you. The topic was far more reaching than just being about a bass and many of your comments helped me understand that there are far better ways of dealing with these situations.

I’m making sure to rectify my actions because I know how these situations can actually be hurtful to folks
over time and that is NOT my intention at all. I also know it was not anyone else’s intention to be hurtful to anyone no matter what position you took.

Now, let’s all focus on the more serious topic of being good to one another and making music to the best of our abilities.

You guys are AMAZING!!! Thank you, Matt
(12-08-2013, 12:40 PM)herp napisał(a):

Jest afera mrgreen

Garrison dojebał się do Gwizdaly Big Grin

Powinien był zastrzec u Fodery patent stworzonego designu. Jeśli tego nie zrobił, to może się najwyżej powkurwiać. Fodera decyduje co z tym zrobić, dla kogo i jak to nazywać potem Wink
Taka to sobie ciekawostka:

O proszę - Warwick, Gallien-Krueger... Big Grin


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